Sunday, August 17, 2008

Australian Educational Team Site Visit

On July 8-10th Scott Litchfield together with his family lead the team of 8 members of Coromandel Church from the Uniting Church of South Australia to Thailand. The Church group traveled to Thailand to visit the HIV+ group called "Sai Wai Rak" (Stream of Love). They included an educational site visit to the Church of Christ in Thailand (CAM) and various organizations such as the Pastoral Dept and McGilvary Seminary, Payap University and the 1st District Church in Chiang Mai. The main goal for the visit is to work together with God's love to build and strengthen the relationship between the Coromandel Church and the various Thai organizations visited. During the site visit the Team from Coromandel Church had an opportunity to work in the field with the HIV+ group "Sai Wai Rak". Half of members of the Coromandel Church were given the opportunity to stay with "Sai Wai Rak" in their village for about 2 nights and the other half stayed with Ajarn Sanan Wutti at the Orphanage "Huan Nam Jai" (House of Giving),which is supported by the Chang Cam church. These were both excellent opportunities to see and experience the lives of the Thai people.

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