Sunday, September 21, 2008

Na uu Jalee's story from Chiang Dao

(This picture was taken prior to her hospital visit when she was very sick)

Miss Na uu Jalee is a 30 year old Lahu woman who is a villager in the Jiajun village in Chiang Dao which is a sub district north of Chiang Mai. The first time she got married was more than 10 years ago to Mr Jaka Babu. Together they have a daughter named Nicha Babu and she is now 10 years old. She is in 3rd grade and is studying at the "Baan Muang Na" village school.

Na uu Jalee's first husband died when her daughter was 2 months old. After some time she met a new boyfriend and they lived together, his name is Jasee Jalaw. Unfortunately her boyfriend Jasee passed away in 2006. They had 2 sons together which are Yahe and Jasaw. Currently, they don't have land or a house to call their own. They are now living at their cousin's house of her latest husband. The house is very crowded with 9-10 people living in a very confined space.

Her family is in a very difficult situation after her husband became sick and died. She is forced to take care of her family on her own and do the best she can with what she has. She got very sick and had many problems like bloating/gas, tightening of the chest, difficulty breathing and a very poor appetite. Since she is unable to work due to her illness, she doesn't have any money for food or medicine for herself and her 3 children.

Besides the sickness, she has other problems as well regarding her citizenship status due to the fact that herself and her 2 sons do not have any of the documents needed for Thai citizenship. Except for her daughter Nicha from the first husband who has a birth certificate. Even though she does have the certificate she does not yet have the Thai citizenship. So, the whole family is without Thai citizenship which prevents them from accessing social services, such as the right to receive free medical treatment. They are expected to pay from their own pocket. She is also restricted from traveling outside the village without written permission, which causes her family problems especially now that she is very sick.

On Aug 22nd, 2008 CAM staff took her to the Chiang Dao Hospital to receive treatment and she stayed in the hospital until the 26th. After she left the hospital she was still very worried about her situation at home with no food, no money and living from hand to mouth. It was getting so bad that she asked her sons to ask the monks for food when they came for alms.

Even the cousins that helped them out before couldn't help now because they were also struggling and living hand to mouth. She told us if there any organizations that would like to adopt her sons she would let them go because it is impossible for her to take care of them. She is sick and her kids are suffering and she thinks this would be their best chance at a better future. She feels very upset that her life has been a continous struggle, but she does feel hopeful when she talks to the Church leader Anon Jabu who is also a volunteer at CAM. After Anon's visit with Na uu Jalee he met with CAM staff to discuss her situation. CAM continues to help Na uu Jalee and her family but they need more help, especially from the community.

(This picture was taken after her hospital visit and she feels much better)

CAM was able to help by paying for Na uu Jalee's hospital visit, transportation and meals.
Totalling 4,948 baht

Please pray for Na uu Jalee and her family.